Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Week 5

I'm going to keep this short and sweet. Weighed in this morning at 140.4. I never thought it would be so easy to say no to sweets. I was the type that would snack because I was bored and I would go searching for chocolate and then eat it ALL. I haven't really craved it...I think that's amazing cuz I never knew I could give that up so easily. And my new favorite drink is Crystal Light Energy! It has 10 calories, compared to diet soda that has none, but it's a much healthier choice in my opinion. It has caffeine in it too, which helps with my headaches. What is your favorite drink of choice?

1 comment:

  1. Way to go! You are doing awesome! I just discovered cascade's flavored sparkling water. 2 calories per bottle and no artificial sweeteners. Perfect for when I'm craving that carbonation. I found them at Winco.
